Endowment Fund


The purpose of the Denver UMC Endowment Fund is to provide members and friends the opportunity to make charitable gifts to Denver UMC that will become a permanent endowment of financial support and a living memorial. The Endowment Fund is intended for purposes that are not part of the church's established programs that are funded through the annual operating budget of the church and regular giving of its members. 

Your Legacy: (n.) a gift of property, especially personal property such as money or other assets, handed down to the next generation.

The Endowment Committee of Denver United Methodist Church encourages donors to leave a legacy. Doing so may take many different forms based on the donor's goals. Contact a committee member for more information.

Endowment Committee:

Gary Garlow gary.garlow@charter.net

Aaron Frazier afrazier@frazier-engineering.com

Beth Naspinski bpnaz@mac.com 

Brian Rabalais brabalais@charter.net

Planned Giving Guide
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